Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Let's get started!

Posted by Gayla at 6:20 PM
Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog! Chances are if you are here you have seen our etsy shop. If not, you can view it here:

A little about us.....

CuteBabyEssentials is a store geared towards providing quality baby products at affordable rates for moms and moms to be.
This shop is run by two mothers, Gayla and Crystal. We understand how difficult and expensive raising children can be and we are here to help!


Gayla is a caring mother of a 15 year old son. She enjoys making homemade bath products as well as sewing. She has been a nanny to many children over the years and has lots of experience.


Crystal is a loving mother of two who spends much of her time crafting clothing, blankets and toys for her children. She has a 5 year old daughter, a 3 year old son, and 2 angels in heaven.

We have decided that a good way to share our knowledge would be through this blog. Every week we are going to pick a topic involving pregnancy and babies. Every day for that week we will add a new story, bit of advice, or tips that we have learned along the way.

Feel free to leave your comments and opinions!


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